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Mending the Net: A Guide to Healing Self and Family

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Even if you grew up in a dysfunctional family, you can create a healthy, happy family. The power of the family system is at the core of what we need for a healthy spirit. Examine your own personal foundation and learn how to bring in protection before you begin on your healing pathway. Learn how to liberate yourself into your future by letting go of past family dysfunctions and be in your present. This is an individual and inter-generational story of one woman’s journey of healing and it is an everyman’s story. Within that story is the methodology for all who want to learn new ways to grow and change. Exercises are included in each chapter so that the reader may also heal Self and learn new insights. Gain spirit helpers, build a positive foundation, burn old rules, and learn how to shift from the negative to the positive polarity by using the outlined exercises. Discover new methods for how to do this emotional shift. Take negative childhood experiences and turn them into a healthy self and a healthy family. Achieve an alchemic transformation. Exercises are designed to show you how to transform past dysfunctional patterns into new, healthy patterns. Learn to re-pattern the past and heal the future. Heal old wounds and become lighter and clearer. Learn to communicate with your Higher Self and use these exercises as a catalyst for movement and change. Mending the Net walks you through many exercises on the path of healing so that you can transmute your trauma and hurt and move forward to create a loving family. With new awareness you create a new paradigm that breaks the old and unhealthy patterns from your past and ancestor lineage. Learn how to recognize and break the old pattern of being parentized. Release old negative emotions through writing and experiential exercises. Re-dream your future. New awareness brings in new emotions. This is transmutation. Take old negative harmful thoughts and change them into joy and love. Transmute the emotions of your past experiences. This is true alchemy, changing the base metals of fear into the gold of love. If we change our past disruptive patterns and create new healthy patterns, then we heal ourselves. If we heal ourselves then we can heal our families. If we heal our families, then we can heal the world.

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1 thought on “Mending the Net: A Guide to Healing Self and Family

  1. Healing Dysfunctional Families While TV shows like the Brady Bunch portrayed the perfect family, many of us carry the burden of family war stories: growing up in a family with alcoholic parents, caring for parents when you’re only a child, and enduring emotional abuse from the adults we just wanted to love us. Despite these painful experiences, we can grow up and later create a healthy family environment of our own. That was the case for author Katherine Boyer. In Mending the Net, Boyer shares the tools she used to…

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