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Thought I Knew You

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Claire Barnes is shattered when her husband, Greg, goes on a business trip and never returns.

Unwilling to just wait for the police to find him, Claire conducts her own investigation. Her best friend Drew helps her look for answers, but all she finds are troubling questions. With every clue, she discovers that Greg may not be the man she thought she married.

While battling her growing feelings for Drew and raising her two young children, Claire must learn to live with the knowledge that the truth behind Greg’s disappearance may never be revealed.

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3 thoughts on “Thought I Knew You

  1. Extremely Compelling, Engrossing Read “Thought I Knew You” is one of the most engrossing books I’ve read in a long time. Claire’s story of a vanishing husband and the aftermath of this life-shattering event is both extraordinary yet believable. I found myself empathetically wondering what I’d do and how I’d react if faced with this devastating situation. Claire navigates this journey in compellingly human fashion. 

  2. Fans of Picoult, Shreve etc will enjoy! I’ve had this thought a few times in life, usually after someone disappoints me by not being the type of person I’d made them to out to be: How well can one person truly know another? Unless you can read minds, you really have not one iota of an idea of what someone else is thinking or keeping from you at any given moment. So instead, we trust. 

  3. Summary is misleading!!!! This book left me so angry that I had ‘ read it! This book was well written & the transition between chapters was smooth; hell the timeline stayed consistent, but the story itself was total junk. 

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