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This is For You Girlfriend: 100 Phenomenally Positive Affirmations and Inspiration For The Modern Day Chick

You are your first passion project. In everything you do be passionate about it, let it have a true purpose in your life, and love to love it as much as you can. When you pour your intensity and effort into it be fully engaged, be proud to participate, be grateful for the fulfillment you get from it. That passionate intent will breed abundance which will breathe longevity into your work, more joy in your experiences, and more meaningful relationships with the people you choose to surround yourself with. Passion plus purpose plus gratitude always equals satisfaction so live your life passionately, and love the life you live. It’s time to LIVE and LIVE on Purpose!

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Rock Chick Reborn

As a Rock Chick, Shirleen Jackson lived through all the kidnappings and explosions. Along the way, she also watched the dramatic love stories that came with those rides unfold.

But long ago, Shirleen made her choice. It affected who she was and would always be. She decided to settle for what she had and not want more. She had good friends. She was raising two fine young men who weren’t hers, but she loved them anyway. She was good.

And then Moses Richardson crashed into her life, literally…and deliberately. Moses has different ideas about Shirleen. He’s more interested in the Shirleen of now, mostly because she’s interesting. And funny. And loyal. Smart. Beautiful.

But Moses has a big challenge on his hands.

He has to convince Shirleen of all that.

And then convince her she deserves to have more.

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Rock Chick Regret

Sadie Townsend is known by all as The Ice Princess and she’s worked hard to earn her reputation. Her father, a now-incarcerated Drug Lord, has kept her under his thumb her whole life, and she’s learned enough from living in his world to give everyone the cold shoulder. But one inebriated night, she shows Hector the Real Sadie, and he knows he’ll stop at nothing to have her. Hector Chavez makes one (huge) mistake: he waits for Sadie to come to him. Tragedy strikes, and Sadie’s got a choice. She can retreat behind her Ice Fortress, or she can embrace the Rock Chick/Hot Bunch World. Guided by Hector, the Rock Chicks, the Hot Bunch and her new gay roommates, Buddy and Ralphie, Sadie negotiates a life out from under her father’s thumb. A life that includes poison, arson and learning how to make s’mores.