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Guilty as Sin: Uncovering New Evidence of Corruption and How Hillary Clinton and the Democrats Derailed the FBI Investigation

An exciting new book from #1 New York Times bestselling author Edward Klein!

When FBI Director James Comey announced in July that Hillary Clinton would not be indicted for mishandling classified information, America was stunned.

Had the scandal-happy Clintons escaped justice once again? Not so fast, says investigative reporter and bestselling author Ed Klein. There is far more behind Comey’s shocking press conference than meets the eye — and a minefield of email evidence between Hillary and the White House.

In his astonishing new book, Klein uncovers the real story behind Hillary’s email scandals and the dirty political games that have kept her one step ahead of the law — for now. Klein reveals what the FBI’s team of 150+ investigators really found on Clinton’s server. How Comey originally threatened to resign over White House attempts to intervene in the investigation, and his secret plan to go around the Justice Department if needed. How an unprecedented Congressional investigation during an election year is uncovering new shocking evidence of corruption on a level some would call treason. And what Bill and Hillary still have left in their bag of tricks in their desperate quest to get back into the Oval Office.

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Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich

In 2000, Bill and Hillary Clinton owed millions of dollars in legal debt. Since then, they’ve earned over $130 million. Where did the money come from? Most people assume that the Clintons amassed their wealth through lucrative book deals and high-six figure fees for speaking gigs. Now, Peter Schweizer shows who is really behind those enormous payments. He follows the Clinton money trail, revealing the connection between their personal fortune, their ”close personal friends,” the Clinton Foundation, foreign nations, and some of the highest ranks of government.