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Dear Universe: Letters of Affirmation and Empowerment for All of Us

Dear Universe is a lighthearted and insightful collection of inspirational letters–with a southern twist- that invites each of us to transform our social and spiritual lives. Written by Akili over the span of many years working as a counselor and educator, each letter glimmers with both the joy of self-realization and a universal wisdom that echoes across the page.

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My Daily Affirmation Cards: A 50-Card Deck plus Dear Friends card

Reprogram your subconscious mind and create a life that honors your deepest desires by using daily affirmations that keep you focused on vibrant health, meaningful experiences, rich relationships, abundant prosperity, and more. In this inspirational card deck, Cheryl Richardson gives you the tools you need to strategically create your life by keeping your intentions firmly rooted in your conscious mind. Use these cards every day and watch your life change forever!

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Money, and the Law of Attraction Cards: A 60-Card Deck, plus Dear Friends card

“While money is not absolutely essential to your experience, to most people, money and freedom are synonymous. And since an intense awareness of your right to be free is at the very core of that which you are, it follows, therefore, that your relationship with money is one of the most important subjects of your life experience. And so, it is no wonder that you have such strong feelings about the subject of money.

“It is our expectation that as you ponder these cards every day, a new point of attraction will begin to be activated within you, bringing not only more money into your experience, but evidence of your absolute freedom as well.”


— Esther & Jerry

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Inspiration Cards: Your Ultimate Calling: A 50-Card Deck plus Dear Friends card

Based on the New York Times Bestseller I’ve compiled this deck of cards to let you know that inspiration can be cultivated and be a driving force throughout life—rather than showing up every now and then and just as mysteriously disappearing, seemingly independent of your desires. Inspiration is for everyone! It isn’t reserved for high-profile creative geniuses in the arts and sciences—it’s inherent in your Divine birthright.As you read these cards, you’ll find specific suggestions for living in-Spirit, the path to the world of inspiration—your ultimate calling. Be inspired!— Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

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Ask And It Is Given Cards: A 60-Card Deck plus Dear Friends card

These beautiful cards capture the essence of the life-changing, best-selling book Ask and It Is Given.You will experience an enhancing of your personal power, which may, at first, seem illogical or even magical, as the Energy Stream from which these cards have come dovetails with the true essence of your own being. 
As you return for frequent visits to these beautiful cards, you will begin to notice a definite closing of the gap between where you are and where you want to be on all subjects that are important to you.