These uplifting cards are printed on the inside and out! Cards are 6.625 x 4.75 inches. 12 cards and envelopes,…

You are awesome as you are! Quit putting yourself down with negative thoughts instead use these positive affirmations to lift…

The words of thirteenth-century Sufi poet Rumi-one of the world's most popular mystics and poets-remain as important today as they…

ALERT: Before you purchase, check with your instructor or review your course syllabus to ensure that you select the correct ISBN. Several…

A 56-card deck and accompanying booklet guide to your relationship with food through the 7 aspects of you - the…

This Sixth Edition provides a thorough introduction to the basic facts and major theories of human motivation. Throughout the book,…

This title presents 52 practical ways to honor your self-care. Each inspirational card will challenge you to take a specific…

Unlock the secrets of the ancient and mystical art of the Tarot and plot your path to spiritual growth with…