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Today I Will Nourish My Inner Martyr: Affirmations for Cynics

Tonight, by moonlight, I will rake my
leaves into my neighbor’s yard.
Had it up to here with sugary-sweet affirmation books that ignore the pleasures of resentment and mean-spiritedness? Tired of the self-helpaholics who’ve been sipping too much chicken soup? Then this book is for you.
Here are 365 splendidly bitter daily meditations that will appeal to the cynic in you. Nowhere else will you find such odes to self-absorption as:
·Today I will equate material possessions with love.
·Today I will taunt others until they cry, then tell them they are too sensitive.
·Today I will make a new friend based solely on how he or she can further my career.
·Today I will respect my need to sabotage everyone else’s success.

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Food & Spirit Nourish Your Whole Self Affirmation Cards (56 Card Deck Box Set) with Booklet

A 56-card deck and accompanying booklet guide to your relationship with food through the 7 aspects of you – the Root, Flow, Fire, Love, Truth, Insight, and Spirit. Each aspect is represented by 7 inspirational images together with a healing affirmation. Enjoy choosing a card as often as you like, take them with you for meals throughout the day or just pick one a day to focus on for whole-self nourishment!