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Origin of Inspiration: Seven Short Essays for Creative People

How do you find enduring inspiration to assist your dreams and goals? Instead of believing inspiration comes to the chosen few creative people, Origin of Inspiration taps into three decades of experience to prove that any creative mind can find enduring inspiration to guide his dreams until he achieves his goals. The book points out how creative minds attuned to a certain purpose and focused on certain goals never run out of inspiration.

How can anyone find the source of inspiration? And why do only a few creative people have enduring inspiration that leads to accomplishing their dreams? The answers to these questions provide the foundation of Origin of Inspiration. The book is for artists, musicians, filmmakers, actors, entrepreneurs, and creative people- anyone who would like to find enduring inspiration and continuous enthusiasm to support his or her creative journey.

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Self-theories: Their Role in Motivation, Personality, and Development (Essays in Social Psychology)

This innovative text sheds light on how people work — why they sometimes function well and, at other times, behave in ways that are self-defeating or destructive. The author presents her groundbreaking research on adaptive and maladaptive cognitive-motivational patterns and shows:

* How these patterns originate in people’s self-theories
* Their consequences for the person — for achievement, social relationships, and emotional well-being
* Their consequences for society, from issues of human potential to stereotyping and intergroup relations
* The experiences that create them

This outstanding text is a must-read for researchers in social psychology, child development, and education, and is appropriate for both graduate and senior undergraduate students in these areas.

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Thoughts Are Things by Prentice Mulford: Essays Selected from the White Cross Library – 1908

Spirit is a force and a mystery. All we know or may ever know of it is that it exists and is ever working and producing all results in physical things, seen of physical sense – and many more not so seen. What is seen, of any object – a tree, an animal, a stone, a man – is only a part of that tree, animal, stone or man. There is a force which, for a time, binds such objects together in the form you see them. The spiritual mind today sees, belonging to itself, a power for accomplishing any and all results in the physical world, greater than the masses dream of. Life means the development in us of powers and pleasures, which fiction, in its highest flights, has never touched. This ever-acting, ever-varying force, which lies behind and, in a sense, creates all forms of matter, we call “spirit.” We have, through knowledge, the wonderful power of using or directing this force, when we recognize it, and know that it exists, so as to bring us health, happiness and eternal peace of mind. Edited by Rev. Lux Newman & Quimby Society. This is NOT a scanned-in copy of a pdf. It is a real text book, nicely designed.