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Essence of Inspiration: Enlightening and purposeful poems that intend to captivate and inspire

These proses are designed to captivate and enlighten ones heart to open with a fixation that holds a positive effect and be constantly inspired and motivated. Life’s roller coaster of circumstances will occur but even when you hit your lowest point or land on a plateau, you can bounce back harder with your inner resilience and tenacity to repel using your mental elasticity and the will to prevail.

Dream on with a passion, embrace changes and welcome challenges. Gird your mind with wisdom, touch your heart with self-love and journey beyond your horizon. Realize that heights of accomplishments are infinite, keep climbing, and progressing until your journey ends. Fear hinders progress; therefore, step with onto your stumbling blocks faith not fear and make them stepping stones.

There is a feeling that as a poet Sherron wants to inspire us to reflect on our lives. She also seems to want us to discover the true meaning of our passage through this life. There is no doubt that they are “enlightening and purposeful poems that intend to captivate and inspire” and that is what they certainly do.

Matilde García-Arroyo, Ed. D.
English and Linguistics Professor

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The Essence of Self-Empowerment: Using Flower Essences for Uncovering a Dynamic Existence

This book is about finding yourself and being able to live your life with passion, desire, and a sense of purpose, no matter what comes in life. Based upon the author’s journey of unfolding into her life and more than thirty years experience working with flower essence therapy clients, this book offers an overview and intimate look at the essential quality of self-empowerment. Before you can achieve the goals of your life, whether they are happiness, security, peace, enlightenment, or even self-realization, self-empowerment is the one quality that you need to develop that will make these goals possible. Self-empowerment is both what you need and what you gain as the result of healing your core issues. These are a few treasures that desert flower essences can help you find on the inner journey to self-empowerment: Discovering what you really want, separate from the desires of others Finding self-esteem Liberating yourself from fear Freedom from addictions Resolving regret and guilt Finding forgiveness Feeling protected and secure Taking responsibility for yourself Locating and owning your power Self-empowerment in relationships Empowering others About the author Cynthia Athina Kemp Scherer has been a pioneer in flower essences since 1983. She is the founder of Desert Alchemy, in Tucson, Arizona, USA, and co-creator of desert flower essences from the Arizona deserts. She is an international seminar presenter and the author of The Alchemy of the Desert, The Art & Technique of Using Flower Essences, the Desert Alchemy Expanded Cross Reference, and The Core Issue articles.