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Barrie Travis is a damn good reporter stuck at a low-budget television station when the First Lady calls her—and offers her the opportunity of a lifetime. Stunned by the loss of her infant son, the president’s wife hints he may have been murdered. Barrie sets out to find the truth, fighting for the exclusive story with the help of Gray Bondurant, a mysterious former presidential aide. Soon they unearth White House secrets that, if exposed, could topple the presidency. And certain powerful parties want nothing more than to see the scandalous past — and a certain young reporter — dead and buried. “Fast fun with a wild twist at the end.” — Cosmopolitan “A plot-wise, entertaining yarn.” — PeopleWatergate, Schmatergate, get a load of this: a dead infant, a sleazy president, a manic-depressive first lady, an aide that makes G. Gordon Liddy look like a wuss, murder, adultery, a thousand skeletons peeping from a thousand closets. Exclusive moves so quickly because somebody is always doing something bad. TV journalist Barrie Travis interviews the first lady, a Southern belle still mourning the death of her infant. With a mixture of horror and self-interest, Travis perceives the slightest hint that the first infant didn’t merely die, but was murdered. But by who, and why? As you can imagine, that’s when it gets messy. The book might capsize under the sheer weight of seamy scandals and sleazy characters were it not for the almost-supernaturally spunky Travis and her somewhat reluctant love-object, craggy ex-Marine Gray Bondurant. Bondurant left the White House under a cloud. Was he the first lady’s lover? Travis and Bondurant come together to solve the mystery, of course. If you read fast, you might just keep up.

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