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Philosophical Wisdom of Friedrich Nietzsche: Largest Collection of Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes

A German philosopher, scholar, poet, cultural critic – Friedrich Nietzsche had made significant influence on western philosophy. Starting with philology and later diverted his attention to philosophy. Friedrich had postulated a theory called ‘master-slave morality’. Nietzsche’s works had been associated with Fascism and Nazism. His ideologies had inspired the philosophers of twentieth as well as twenty first century. Friedrich Nietzsche had written many books with cultural, political and artistic significance. This book ‘Philosophical Wisdom of Friedrich Nietzsche: Largest Collection of Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes’ is a treasured collection Friedrich Nietzsche’s Quotes. Here More than 2350 Friedrich Nietzsche quotes have been included making this one of the biggest compilation of Friedrich Nietzsche’s quotes ever printed.

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The Very Best of Friedrich Nietzsche: Quotes from a Great Thinker

‘That which does not kill us makes us stronger…’ Though some may not know his name, there are few alive today who will not have heard some variation of at least one of Friedrich Nietzsche’s many quotes. One of the great philosophers in human history, his unique ability to concisely articulate philosophies on life have made him a much respected and cited historical figure. This book brings together some of Nietzsche’s finest thoughts on a variety of subjects, including religion, life, marriage and general philosophy.