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Home Invasion: The Survivalist Series, Book 8

Morgan and his extended family could see the light at the end of the tunnel, dim though it may be. There was the promise of power once again. The plant was being repaired, and it looked as though it may actually run. While it meant lots of hard, sweaty work, the reward was worth the investment. The farm was growing strong, and community involvement was good. People were finally coming to terms with the fact that they needed to work together. So far Mother Nature had been on their side. But that, too, was about to change.

There was no shortage of problems. There were those in town with their own plans. And those plans did not include Sheriff Morgan Carter. For the most part, Morgan ignored the issue, thinking it would simply go away. But that was not to be. He would have to face it head on, and it just may cost him his life. As serious as the issues in town were, there were other much larger problems brewing. These were beyond his control. They were beyond the control of the entire community, even if they were banded together. And Morgan would not be able to simply ignore them either. There were forces converging on Central Florida that would bring back the uncertainty that only recently appeared to be vanquished. Only this time it would be far worse than a rogue band of federal agents. War was coming, and with it death. It would test them all.

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Invasion: Alien Invasion, Book 1

They are coming. The countdown has begun.

First visible only as blips on a telescope image, the discovery of objects approaching from Jupiter’s orbit immediately sets humanity on edge. NASA doesn’t even bother to deny the alien ships’ existence. The popular Astral space app (broadcasting from the far side of the moon and accessible by anyone with Internet) has already shown the populace what is coming. So the news has turned from evasion to triage, urging calm and offering the few facts they have:

The objects are enormous, perfectly round spheres numbering in the dozens, maybe hundreds. They are on an approach vector for Earth. And they will arrive in six days.