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Release the Dogs of War: The Kurtherian Gambit, Book 10

Stephen walked into the office which Barnabas was using as his judge’s chamber. While the massive amount of data Bethany Anne’s team was throwing at him was more than enough to assuage his curiosity, he had never felt this way in the last 152 years.

He wanted a vacation.

He pulled the top manila-folder and took a look at the name, “Clarissa Bernier, CEO”. He opened the folder, and it was now in the agreed upon fashion. There was one page with her typical information of name, age, location, and a two paragraph background and the requested punishment. It was a type of joke now between Barnabas and Bethany Anne. No matter the requested punishment, she would strike it out and write “Death” and put a happy face on, with fangs.

It let him know that she was not letting up on her desire to make a lot of people pay for Michael’s death.

The team had already executed six individuals across the world in the last three months. Sean Truitt was just the first one.

Stephen interrupted him, “You look tired,” he spoke as he took a seat in one of the two blue chairs facing Barnabas’s desk.

Barnabas leaned back, keeping the folder open, “Is she serious?” He pointed to the document, “Even ADAM, using our agreed punishment matrix, is calling for this lady to be punished financially.” He closed the folder, “She walks the line towards Michael all the time, brother…”

To be continued …

Please note, there is flagrantly foul language in these novels. The main character does not have a problem with cussing, just uninspired cussing.

Series includes:

Death Becomes Her – The Kurtherian Gambit Book One Queen Bitch – The Kurtherian Gambit Book Two Love Lost – The Kurtherian Gambit Book Three Bite This – The Kurtherian Gambit Book Four Never Forsaken – The Kurtherian Gambit Book Five

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Kneel or Die: The Kurtherian Gambit, Book 7

The future just went upside down, when a nascent AI is added against Bethany Anne’s wishes.

Then, there is David and his issues to take care of, permanently.

Bethany Anne has had it with terrorists.

Not encumbered with law, she seeks only justice for those who were killed in France.

New members are added to the team as they continue their efforts to reach for the stars.

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Under My Heel: The Kurtherian Gambit, Book 6

“I love a good story especially if it can make me laugh, cry, cheer, and a host of other emotions. So far in this series, I have hit them all.”

Europe is erupting is tension and violence.

David is only adding to the conflagration by setting a trap, one that our team will trip to save those people still alive.

There is one thing every enemy of Bethany Anne finds out. They will be ground down under her heels.

Series includes:

Death Becomes Her – The Kurtherian Gambit 01

Queen Bitch – The Kurtherian Gambit 02

Love Lost – The Kurtherian Gambit 03

Bite This – The Kurtherian Gambit 04

Never Forsaken – The Kurtherian Gambit 05

Under My Heel – The Kurtherian Gambit 06

Kneel or Die – The Kurtherian Gambit 07 – Mid Mar 2016