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Blood & Rust (Lock & Key)

The bad boy. The fuck up. The thief. That was me. Once a king, now a wanderer. I’d thrown the best parts of me away, over and over again. I was reckless. Still am. I’d been exiled. Twice. I did my time. I’ve cleaned up. Well, sort of. I got plans. Yeah, good ones. Then I ran into her. A bolt of lightning-startling, unsettling, breathtaking, out of reach. The woman I once scorned years ago is now the woman I can’t live without. I need what I didn’t think I’d ever need again. I want and want and want. Torture. She’s the epicenter of the war I’ve triggered, of the battle in my rusted heart. I may be as reckless as I ever was, but I’m determined as fuck. To hell with it. I want it all.

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Random & Rare: Lock & Key Series, Book 2

I am that gash in her soul. Once I loved her, really loved her. And she loved me, and it was so f–king beautiful. Once. That pendulum swings to and fro. We’re here, and then we’re – no. How can that rare beauty be rendered irrelevant, intangible, when I still feel so damn much? Does all that energy, that glory, that significance simply dissolve? Turn to smoke? To nothing? It can’t. It just can’t. Are the moments that shape us absolutely random? Is time not fluid? I made promises to them, to her. Especially to her. Promises I still burn to keep.

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The Innocent: A Ryan Lock Novel

The fifth Ryan Lock novel from best-selling author Sean Black. When college basketball coach Malik Shaw goes missing after a family tragedy, it looks like just another retired athlete gone off the rails. But Malik’s childhood friend, private security specialist Ty Johnson, quickly begins to suspect that there is more to it. Chasing the truth, Ty and his business partner, Ryan Lock, begin to uncover a sinister conspiracy of silence in a sleepy Minnesota college town.

The Ryan Lock series has been translated into Dutch, French, German, Italian, Russian and Spanish and has featured on a number of best seller lists.