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A Book Of Military Quotes: of Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, and Airmen of the Five

Members of the United States Military, from generals and admirals to enlisted “grunts” and “swabbies” and even some political and civilian leaders’ comment on battles, administrative issues, and other historic military matters. Historical notes provide a perspective and the setting of quote. Shelby Foote said that a man’s words, kept alive in an appropriate quote, are oral history as its unguarded best. In that sense this book is oral history. A brief overview of the history of each military branch, with historical notes and context to provide additional information surrounding the quotes and their speakers The reader will find quotes full of foresight, courage, regret and determination. American heroes can be appreciated through their actual words: “Hit hard, hit fast, hit often,” became Admiral “Bull” Halsey’s slogan during WWII. “For those who fight for it, life has a flavor the protected never know.” Anonymous Marine machine gunner in Vietnam. “Retreat Hell! We just got here!” Marine Capt. Lloyd Williams upon hearing of a rumor calling for retreat from Belleau Wood in WWI. “If they mean to have a war, let it begin here.” Capt. Jonas Parker on Lexington Green. 1775 “Better to fight for something than live for nothing.” Gen. George S. Patton. “Offense is the essence of air power.” Gen. Henry “Hap” Arnold.