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The Confederate Book of Quotes & Narratives

The hope for this book is to show the narrative of the day when the South was invaded by those who desired to inflict their ideals, morals and attitudes, just because “these Southerners” needed to be brought back under the Northerner’s way of life, their philosophy of life and their interpretation of the law. But above all, it was because the Northerners way of life was jolted economically when the Southern states seceded from the Union. Hopefully, as you read these quotes and narratives, of which most come from primary sources, that it will bring us closer to the facts of history and erase the opinions, of the new order of modern historians, where facts are deemed as secondary. History can easily become a lie when interpreted by the opinions of men and then, what do you get? Certainly you get no facts. George Santayana hit the bulls eye when he said, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.

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Pete Seeger: The Storm King: Stories, Narratives, Poems: Spoken Word Set to a World of Music

Gems from the life of one of the most influential figures in American music!

Pete Seeger: The Storm King audio collection presents Pete Seeger’s spoken words as he captivatingly recounts his most engaging stories, narratives, and poems-set to new music created by nearly 50 musicians from traditions as diverse as African Music, Blues, Bluegrass, Classical Guitar, Folk, Jazz, and Native American Music, Pete’s wisdom and stories out to new audiences and into a new technological age.

Each piece is unique in sound and emotion and also in how it came together. Jeff Haynes, world-renowned percussionist and producer, has worked closely with Pete to create something spectacular – weaving Pete’s words to the music of artists from around the world who would not otherwise have shared a stage with Pete but who have been deeply influenced by him.

The result is astounding.

“It brings out things in my words that I never knew before.” -Pete Seeger

“Pete’s still finding the hope and planting the seeds . . . and keeping us invigorated in our own best intentions.”
-Dar Williams
Listen to a story here: