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These twelve original quotes are written to uplift your spirit when your soul is downcast. It is a monthly source of inspiration and motivation for your sanity. When you feel discouraged or disoriented, you can turn to them for a dose of hope so that you can regain your bearing and forge ahead with your life…

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Self Talk Sign of Sanity, Insanity, or the Key to Self-Empowerment

Is Self-Talk Truly a Sign of Insanity? Dispelling the Notion!!

Read it, Receive it, Believe it, Be Empowered. This is the advice given by author Charles W. Woodard, Ph.D. in regard to the persistent habit of talking to ourselves. Self-Talk takes a realistic look at how personal and individual feelings are formed. In fact, monitoring and changing your “self-talk” is the key to self-control. Many believe that talking to yourself is a sign of insanity, but in this powerful examination of the common practice, it is rather described as a trait of true sanity and self-empowerment.

Self-talk and self-esteem are directly related. Your self-talk is regarding, but not necessarily limited to: life, job, culture, children, love, liberty, spirituality, goals, ambitions, relationships, adults, politics, money, family, race, ethnicity, recreation, and world events. Therefore, it really does determine your feelings/emotions and subsequent behaviors.

A must read, Self-Talk challenges conventional premises and definitions regarding the formation of thoughts, perceptions and feelings.