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Inspiration for Great Songwriting: for pop, rock & roll, jazz, blues, broadway, and country songwriters: A Cheat Sheet Book about Creativity with Form, Lyrics, Music, and More

You are a songwriter, and you need to unlock those great songs inside of you

Yes, this book is designed entirely to share those secrets that will inspire you to write that great song that’s you know you can! And once the creativity really starts flowing, we’ll create great habits and write even more, each and every day. Get down to writing the music and the lyrics you know that you can because “writer’s block” is a fantasy. You just need inspiration…

The Magic of Lyrics & Music

This book discusses creativity with the lyrics, creativity with the music, and creativity with the forms of your songs, with a number of actionable suggestions and creative exercises to get the juices flowing. There’s also a brief discussion about good habits for songwriters to be more productive (or eventually become a professional), and a list of resource organizations and websites from performing rights to promotion. If you want to develop as a songwriter, possibly even with the goal of going pro, then these are topics you need to think about: The Songwriter’s Process Creativity with Form Creativity with Lyrics Creativity with Music Professional? Rights, Royalties, and Piracy Pro Songwriter Habits Songwriter Resource Page and more…