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Affirmations for Women: God’s Healing Words for the Heart in Times of Guilt, Grief, & Uncertainty

This book is a must read for any woman on a journey of healing, self-love, forgiveness, and empowerment. Rooted in biblical truths, Affirmations for Women portrays the lives of five women of the bible who experienced great loss, deception, grief, and disappointment. Explore the real life stories of: Eve – a woman who needed God’s mercy after being deceived by evil, Deborah – a woman who desperately needed God to help her carry out a mission that was bigger than her, Naomi – a woman who needed strength to accept God’s redirection, Hannah – a woman who needed to focus intensely on God and not her enemy, and Gomer – a woman who needed to be rescued by God from her own destructive patterns. Their stories did not end at their hardships. Yours does not have to either. Enhance your spiritual journey one chapter at a time, where you’ll find relatable scenarios, comprehensive biblical insight to real life problems, and a life application component centered on solutions. Take advantage of the resources at the end of the book that will aid you on your path of growth and a new approach to “what has been.” You will walk away from this reading experience understanding just how much God cares about your redemption and all things lost in your life.