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Verbal Judo, Updated Edition: The Gentle Art of Persuasion

When you react, the event controls you. When you respond, you’re in control.

Verbal Judo is the classic guide to the martial art of the mind and mouth that can help you defuse confrontations and generate cooperation, whether you’re talking to a boss, a spouse, or even a teenager. For more than a generation, Dr. George J. Thompson’s essential handbook has taught people how to communicate more confidently and persuasively in any situation. Verbal Judo shows you how to listen and speak more effectively, engage others through empathy (the most powerful word in the English language), avoid the most common conversational disasters, and use proven strategies to successfully express your point of view – and take the lead in most disputes.

This updated edition includes a new foreword and a chapter featuring Dr. Thompson’s five universal truths of human interaction:

People feel the need to be respected People would rather be asked than be told People have a desire to know why People prefer to have options over threats People want to have second chances

Stop being frustrated and misunderstood. Stop finding yourself on the losing end of an argument. With Verbal Judo you’ll be able to have your say – and say what you mean.

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American Presidents in “Quotes”: Inspiration, Wit and Verbal Gaffes from the Leaders of the USA

Humorous and inspirational quotes from America’s 43 Presidents

“The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help.'”  —Ronald Reagan

“Fighting battles is like courting girls: those who make the most pretensions and are boldest usually win.”  —Rutherford B. Hayes

“The pay is good and I can walk to work.”  —John F. Kennedy

The President of the United States of America is the most powerful person in the world, the leader of the world’s foremost economic and military power with global interests and an unparalleled global reach. The nation’s GDP is close to a quarter of the world’s total and its military budget is almost as great as the rest of the world’s military expenditure put together. So when U.S. Presidents speak people listen. Since George Washington became the first President of the United States in 1789, 42 men have occupied that powerful position, some more memorably than others. Many have been great orators, whose words have given hope and inspiration to the American people, and even the world, during difficult times; some have had very little of note to say and some have sought to deceive; while others at times have managed to put their feet firmly in their mouths. Illustrated with photographs throughout, this book is a celebration of the political rhetoric, wisdom, humor, and gaffes that have been spoken and written by those 43 Presidents of the United States.