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The Soul Whisperer: A Trilogy of Soul Awakening, Revelations & Insights

The Soul Whisperer allows Spiritual Author Eleesha, to share her enigmatic automatic-writing gift  to help inspire readers to discover, unleash & utilize, the unknown and untold Powerful Secrets of the Soul. This profound book is not just a book about life, but about understanding the Soul’s significance; its presence and purpose – in your life.

The Author expresses her gift, by taking her readers on an enlightening Trilogy of Soul, by simply uncovering many hitherto unknown paths of Soul Awakening, Insights & Revelations.  Her words enlighten her readers to push beyond the limited boundaries of their present state of mind, and to explore the limitless boundaries and potential of the inner Soul. This is a place where the Soul whispers its secrets; its insights and revelations; so they may not just be heard, but – purposely utilized throughout your life.

From The Author:

My early childhood years were somewhat unusual; because at the age of 3, it slowly began to dawn on me that I could see ‘people’ that no one else could see – lurking in our backyard.  With my hands cupped tightly over my eyes to avoid their taunting invitations, I knew my carefree days of playing outside, would never be the same. This was how I came to view the outside world, by peeping through the gaps between my little fingers. Filled with fear I asked, “were they here to befriend me, or take me away?”

It was from such humble and unusual beginnings, that several years later, my automatic-writing gift mysteriously emerged in my life.  Indulging in this gift, would soon take its toll and the burdens of its secrets would turn my world upside down; causing me to abandon my gift just as mysteriously, as it had arrived.  Decades later, when the tragedy of losing both my parents in a  5 month period, plunged me into the depths of despair – I questioned the meaning & purpose, of my life.

One night, I asked a Universal question, which was strangely this; “What is the greatest gift I could give of myself to Humanity?” I awoke, clearly hearing a whisper of repeated words. Unmistakably, this was not just my childhood automatic-writing gift, returning to me – but, its Soul awakening & rediscovery. 

Today, I invite YOU to journey with me, into a new world of Soul awakening, revelations & insights. So, the doorways to your destiny can be opened – not shut.  This humble invitation fulfills a major part of my destiny, too.  Indeed, in the 4 years it has taken me to complete this 400+ page Book Trilogy; I have fathomed the unfolding answer to my very first question.  For, in sharing this book, I am sharing “the greatest gift I could give of myself to Humanity” – with you! ~ #Hugs & #Love ~ @Eleesha