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Affirmations and Thought Forms: You Can Change Your Mind! (b)

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A channeled discourse from the Ascended Master ST. GERMAIN on the use of affirmations and the power of thought forms in the process of manifestation. ST. GERMAIN discusses how to create and use affirmation and thought forms productively, e.g., to manifest healing and other desired outcomes. This book aims to enlighten and assist with self-empowerment and self-awareness.

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1 thought on “Affirmations and Thought Forms: You Can Change Your Mind! (b)

  1. Prayers for help One of the main messages in this book is “ask for guidance and you will receive it.” I prayed for guidance to help me deal with my negative feelings around unemployment and the email came offering the opportunity to read this book for free. There is no doubt in my mind that what is written in this book is true and exactly what I need to work on. In order to change our lives, we must change our thoughts. There is an exercise in the book to assist with releasing negative thought forms and…

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