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Affirmations for Artists

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Language:Chinese.Paperback. Pub Date: 1996 Pages: 224 in Publisher: the penguin Provides a collection of inspirational ideas and quotations from successful artists to encourage struggling artists to take pride in their efforts and feel confident their works are of value

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3 thoughts on “Affirmations for Artists

  1. A small book that is BIG in ideas. This book is crammed with affirmations related to the fears and horrors every artist ends up going through at some point. Whereas I am not too keen in affirmations, I found Mr Maisel’s words extremely conforting and intelligent. Although the affirmations are inspiring, this is a book with practical advice as well, unlike so many others that adress similar questions. It also contains a lot of quotations from famous artists who apparently went through similar ordeals. “Affirmations for…

  2. A smart, practical and irreverent book. Don’t be fooled by the deceptively simple title. Affirmations for Artists is a smart, practical and irreverent toolkit for deepening your creativity and enhancing your life. Unlike most of the annoyingly ethereal affirmation books I’ve read, this one yanks affirmations down to earth, tackles misconceptions and pitfalls, and demonstrates how to use affirmations effectively. 

  3. Well-indexed, good inspiration Maisel is one of my favorite authors writing for artists. As in his other books, he shows here great sensitivity to artists’ challenges. In his typical style, he doesn’t pull punches with these affirmations — it’s clear an artist will never be fulfilled unless s/he gets up and WORKS. These affirmations support that process, without gluing up the works with the mystical overtones (mumbo-jumbo?) often associated with affirmations. 

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