Caregiving can be difficult, even on its best days, and staying upbeat is one of the most loving things that a caregiver can do for the care receiver—the person they provide care for and love so much. Reading affirmations is a quick and easy form of self-care that can help caregivers stay balanced and optimistic, which lends itself to a calm, healing environment.This book of affirmations has been created specifically for caregivers and is grouped into chapters with titles that caregivers understand: caregiving tasks, safeguarding health, appreciating the day. . . which makes it easy to flip right to the section that offers the support that is needed at that moment. At the end of the book, author Harriet Hodgson provides guidance on how to write affirmations for those who want to go just a step farther.
Finally a real insider’s words of wisdom Ms. Hodgson has turned some personal situations into the half-full approach. Her affirmations are realistically based and are born from being in the trenches of caregiving. She is not about pity, but trying to turn one’s feelings back to the love that you and the person you are caring for share. Ms. Hodgson’s book as well as the others in her series are easy to read, provide hope, offer real ideas to help anyone involved in any type of caregiver’s journey. You won’t be disappointed !!
inspiring and uplifting! Harriet knows being a caregiver is tough work. She has done it for a long time and has brought forth a marvelous book to assist those who lovingly care for others.Â
This book was a gift to a family caregiver who … This book was a gift to a family caregiver who loves it. The book arrived on time and met all expectations.