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An Affirmation a Day…: A Guide to a Happier Life

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The purpose of this book is to give you a positive thought or action to concentrate on throughout each day of the year. Don’t feel married to the dates. If you find an affirmation on a different day that you feel the need to use, by all means, use it! This is just a guide. Why did I write this? I suffer from a heart disease called Brugada Syndrome. It is a rare genetic disease also known as Sudden Arrhythmia Death Syndrome. I had to find a way to reduce stress and live a happier life. I needed to find peace in my world and find happiness in it. I hope to inspire you to do the same no matter what life has thrown at you. My recommendation on how to use this book is to write your affirmation down on a notecard, scrap of paper, whatever you can find. Carry it with you. Look at yourself in the mirror first thing in the morning and repeat the affirmation at least three times. Believe it! Be it! Concentrate on each affirmation several times a day. When you are stressed, try repeating it again and again. Soon you will find you are dealing with it. I wish you much happiness and peace. ~Lynn Tincher Author of The Mind Bending Series Executive Producer for Afterthoughts Film Red Cap Ambassador for the American Heart Association

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1 thought on “An Affirmation a Day…: A Guide to a Happier Life

  1. Good It was very informative a lot of quotes etc

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