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Love Your Body: Positive Affirmation Treatments for Loving and Appreciating Your Body

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On this wonderful CD program, Louise L. Hay narrates the positive affirmation treatments from her book of the same name, which are designed to help you manifest a beautiful, healthy, happy body. To receive the optimal benefit from this audio experience, it’s best to listen to it often—especially if you are challenged by a particular area of your body—and allow the ideas to permeate your consciousness. 

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2 thoughts on “Love Your Body: Positive Affirmation Treatments for Loving and Appreciating Your Body

  1. Affirmations Really Do Help Most people don’t realize how their subconscious mind affects their everyday lives. If you unconsciously believe you are unworthy, you are not going to stick to that diet–because you don’t think you deserve to feel good about yourself. You will hear your conscious mind saying you want to change, and feel better–but because your unconscious programming is so negative, you will always sabotage your efforts.If you think this is foo foo stuff–it will be–to you–because that is…

  2. The Door to Self-Love is Open… As corny as this may sound to people, it is truly important to really love ourselves. At first when you listen to this, you may think it’s silly. As you continue to listen a few more times you may cry, letting go of the pain that you’re holding in your body, manifesting as aches, pains and extra weight. Keep listening and really open your heart and you will see a change without much effort at all, just by thinking loving thoughts about your body. Really. 🙂

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