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Manifest Your Magnificence (64 Affirmation Cards for Kids 6-12 Years Old)

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Manifest Your Magnificence is a unique set of 64 affirmation cards designed specifically to nurture a child’s self-esteem. Beautifully illustrated and written, each affirmation card carries a powerful message that when read over and over again, connects each child to their true being, they manifest their magnificence in the world – this is the ultimate goal.

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3 thoughts on “Manifest Your Magnificence (64 Affirmation Cards for Kids 6-12 Years Old)

  1. great way to bring up unique discussions with a young kid. My wife and I have had unique discussions with our 5-year old, triggered by the pictures, words, and wisdom from these cards

  2. Affirmation cards to help build your child’s self esteem I am a firm believer in the importance of building a childs self esteem. Children have so many challenges as they grow and develop and many need guidance to remind them that they are special and unique. Manifest Your Magnificence products and services are tools that can help remind children of their Magnificence.I sat down with my son when the box it arrived. We were both impressed at the packaging as the affirmation cards are all housed in their very own box that is bright and…

  3. Great and Now Part of Our Morning Routine My kids really love taking turns choosing an affirmation for the day. These cards are well-made…like the typical Hay house affirmation cards. On one side of the card is a short version of the affirmation…such as “I am giving”…then on the other side it says, “I enjoy sharing with others.” We usually read both sides. The illustrations are beautiful.Here are some samples:I am Generous… I share my unique gifts and talents with othersI am Open… I…

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