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Psychic Power, Chakras & More: Metaphysical Hypnosis Collection

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Embrace your natural clairvoyance and find that psychic within. Rejuvenate your body and mind and heal your chakras. Use the power of your mind to be healthier, more relaxed, and elevate your quality of life. It’s all here in Psychic Power, Chakras, and More, a new metaphysical hypnosis compilation from highly acclaimed hypnotherapist, Rachael Meddows.

Rachael Meddows is a world-renowned hypnotherapist whose soothing voice has helped clients overcome phobias, feel empowered, lose weight, and live the life they’ve imagined.

Program 1 – Strengthen Your Third Eye and Intuition

Harness your natural psychic power and learn how to make your third eye stronger and more accurate.

Program 2 – Soul Transformation

Connect with that deepest part of yourself, strengthen yourself-beliefs, and feel rejuvenated. Tap into unlimited inner strength and peace!

Program 3 – Peace of Mind, Pure Meditation

Learn how to take your meditation to the next level, and create a lasting inner peace and calm whenever you need it.

Program 4 – Balancing Your Chakras

Align, heal, and cleanse your chakras so that you feel balanced and healthy.

Each program includes four different hypnosis tracks for youto choose from. Listen to one or any combination of the tracks each day for 21 days for the best results:

Beach Induction – This popular induction will lull you into a deep state of relaxation with the soothing sounds of waves hitting the shore, allowing you to let go of any mental inhibitions and be completely open to positive change.

Staircase Induction – This effective induction will walk you down a mental stairway into a deeply relaxed state that ends with you in a peaceful, safe place where you can feel comfortable enough to completely open up to these hypnotic suggestions.

Sleep Induction – This soothing induction will help you deeply relax your body and mind so that you may fall asleep for your program. Perfect for listeners who want to listen to hypnosis while napping or sleeping through the night.

Garden Induction – This relaxing induction will talk you on a walk through a beautiful garden and beach, helping melt away stress and tension so that you are completely relaxed and open to receiving positive suggestions.

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1 thought on “Psychic Power, Chakras & More: Metaphysical Hypnosis Collection

  1. I love it. I been working nights I love it. I been working nights, 12-hour shifts for almost two years and have a hard time sleeping during the day. I’ve been using this audio every time I go to sleep now for at least a month. It helps me go right to sleep. There are 16 guided meditations approximately 40 minutes in length. One of them is the same meditation as the Sleep Learning System’s Clairvoyance, Intuition, & Psychic Power. All of them are based the same as the Sleep Learning System. My Kindle Fire has the option…

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