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The Secret Code of Success: 7 Hidden Steps to More Wealth and Happiness

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Americans spend more than $11 billion a year on self-help products—everything from books to diet pills to career coaches to seminars. So why—with all this time, money, and energy being spent—are so few people living the life they really want? Why are millions of smart, talented, motivated people still going through life with one foot on the brake?

Here’s the real Secret: You don’t need any more how-to-succeed information to reach your full potential.

The problem isn’t lack of motivation or lack of information. The real problem is that most people focus on the “how-to” aspects of success taught by traditional self-help programs, without coming to terms with what productivity expert Noah St. John calls your “head trash”—the subconscious, emotional roadblocks that prevent people from acting on their real hopes, dreams, and ambitions. In this groundbreaking book, based on work with thousands of clients around the world, Noah St. John has created a remarkable, step-by-step approach that helps you achieve long-term happiness, success, and wealth. In The Secret Code of Success, you will learn how to:

Eliminate the causes of self-sabotage and fear of success

Allow yourself to make more money

Remove stress while dramatically increasing personal productivity

Improve relationships with coworkers, family, and friends

Experience enhanced feelings of happiness, connection, and love

The Secret Code of Success shows that, when it comes to success, the conscious mind is exactly the wrong place to start. It’s only when we first conquer the self-sabotage of our subconscious (which accounts for 90 percent of our behavior) that we can truly begin to enjoy a life filled with success. This insight is at the core of The Secret Code of Success and leads to Noah’s revolutionary 7-step method for eliminating these psychological obstacles. True financial freedom and personal success is possible at last!

The Secret Code of Success shows you how to get your foot off the brake and start living the life you deserve.

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3 thoughts on “The Secret Code of Success: 7 Hidden Steps to More Wealth and Happiness

  1. More of the same with a twist This book claims that it is different from other self-help books. It begins by bemoaning the fact that Americans spend billions of dollars on self-help products every year without getting any place… but it ends by offering to sell you self-help products costing a lot of money–including a free weekend seminar normally going for almost $3000!(Some of the products mentioned say they’ll double your income in 90 days while you work less. I’m a school teacher on a fixed salary. How…

  2. part genius, part same old rah rah the first part of this book which concerns itself with “afformations” is just brilliant. the author has stumbled upon a wonderful technique to bypass our sabotaging minds. this is available online for free. it’s simple & it works.for instance, ask yourself: why am i so happy?you’ll be pleasantly surprised.the questions are applicable to every aspect of your life: why is it so easy for me to lose weight? why am i so calm?i had read about these why questions…

  3. The book that finally delivers on the promises of an entire industry… Have you read all the books, listened to all the audios, been to all the seminars… and still don’t have the success that you want?This book has the answer. No, really.That’s a pretty tall promise for a success program. And if you’re the guy or gal who has read all the books, listened to all the audios, and been to all the seminars, you’ve undoubtedly been made that promise over and over again.This book is different. No, really.Let me give you…

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