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15 Minutes: A YA Time Travel Thriller: Rewind Series, Book 1

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The future can be a dangerous place when you changed the past….

Fifteen minutes is all the Rewind Agency gives a person when they travel to the past, but for Lara Crane it’s enough for her to race through the city, find her mother, and stop her from being killed in a mugging that happened over 10 years ago.

But the story she’s been told all her life is a lie. When Lara takes a bullet meant for her mother, her future changes forever. A new house, new friends, and a new boyfriend turns Lara’s life upside down. She thinks if she can save her father from prison, reunite him with her mother, everything will be fine.

15 Minutes is an edgy high-octane YA thriller where the people Lara trusts change in an instant. She is in a timeline she doesn’t understand, and is about to make one fatal mistake as she faces an enemy so familiar, he’s family.

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3 thoughts on “15 Minutes: A YA Time Travel Thriller: Rewind Series, Book 1

  1. Promising plot … Promising plot, and decent writing except for far too many “this would never happen” and “no one would ever do or say this” moments. To avoid spoilers, rather than give specific examples (which other reviewers have already pointed out, anyway), I’ll just say that character development and motivations needed more work. As mentioned in other reviews, characters spoke and behaved in ways that were very inconsistent with the circumstances. 

  2. 4.5 Fantastic YA Science Fiction *I received a copy in exchange for my honest opinion* 

  3. Too much of a good idea left me baffled The premise of this novel intrigued me greatly, so it quickly jumped to the top of my reading queue. However, at about 57% I nearly decided to quit reading it due to some pronounced suspension-of-disbelief issues which I’ll mention in a moment. I did finish the novel after reading a review here which applauded the fantastic conclusion, but such praise was unwarranted. The last quarter of the book attempted to provide readers with a “Being John Malkovich” head game experience, but all…

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