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A Dangerous Fortune

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In 1866 tragedy strikes at the exclusive Windfield School when a mysterious accident takes the life of a student. Among the student’s circle of friends are Hugh Pilaster; Hugh’s older cousin Edward, dissolute heir to the Pilaster banking fortune; and Micky Miranda, the handsome son of a brutal South American oligarchy. The death and its aftermath begin the spiraling circle of treachery that will span three decades and entwine many lives. From the exclusive men’s clubs that cater to every dark desire of England’s upper classes to the luxurious ballrooms of the manipulators of the world’s wealth, Follett conjures up a stunning panorama of intrigue. A Dangerous Fortune brings us characters swept toward a perilous climax where greed, fed by the shocking truth of a young man’s death, must be stopped – or the dreams of a nation will die.

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2 thoughts on “A Dangerous Fortune

  1. Very Entertaining In my opinion, Ken Follett is one of the better writers working currently, and A DANGEROUS FORTUNE is one of his best books to date. I liked his EYE OF THE NEEDLE and PILLARS OF THE EARTH very much, too, and while I don’t think FORTUNE is quite that good, it is still one of the most entertaining books I’ve read recently. The story is set in England in the latter half of the 19th century, and revolves around the wealthy Pilaster family. The Pilasters are bankers and control the large and…

  2. A RIVETING WORK OF FICTION… The author, a masterful storyteller, weaves an intriguing and mesmerizing tapestry of events that surround the wealthy Pilaster banking family in the latter part of nineteenth century England. Its panoramic sweep will hold the reader in its thrall. This complex story tells of the ebb and flow of their individual personal fortunes and the personalities that are to profoundly affect them, for better or worse.Augusta Pilaster is the scheming, socially conscious, self-appointed matriarch of…

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