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All the Little Children

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When a family camping trip takes a dark turn, how far will one mother go to keep her family safe?

Struggling with working-mother guilt, Marlene Greene hopes a camping trip in the forest will provide quality time with her three young children—until they see fires in the distance, columns of smoke distorting the sweeping view. Overnight, all communication with the outside world is lost.

Knowing something terrible has happened, Marlene suspects that the isolation of the remote campsite is all that’s protecting her family. But the arrival of a lost boy reveals they are not alone in the woods, and as the unfolding disaster ravages the land, more youngsters seek refuge under her wing. The lives of her own children aren’t the only ones at stake.

When their sanctuary is threatened, Marlene faces the mother of all dilemmas: Should she save her own kids or try to save them all?

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3 thoughts on “All the Little Children

  1. Too long This story reads like a melodrama. It is overly descriptive and is slow moving. The story would have been better at half the length.Also,the idea that an urban family would so readily adapt to survival conditions does seem to stretch the boundaries of reality.

  2. Good read Overall, this book was a good read and had plenty of twists and turns. I did not find it predictable at all. There were places I found where the transitions were awkward and I had to back up, read again and try and process exactly what was happening. There were a couple of deaths In the book that I didn’t feel were necessary…written in there just to have a character die. I didn’t particularly care for the unresolved ending. I am guessing that the author is planning on making this a…

  3. Freaking cliffhanger!!!! ***There are some minor spoilers following*** 

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