Parents everywhere knows it’s true that kids really do say the darndest things and these words are worth recording. Use…

This FBI agent has come to expect almost anything - just not this... When Agent Mercedes Ramirez finds an abused…

Help your teen with the power of positive affirmations. Being a teenager can be tough. Positive affirmations can help a…

Enjoy the experience of children growing up with this handy book to collect all the memorable things your child will…

Moms of infants and young children will find a kindred spirit in these devotional writings by Krystal Torres as she…

Enjoy the experience of children growing up with this handy book to collect all the memorable things your child will…

Help your teen with the power of positive affirmations. Being a teenager can be tough. Positive affirmations can help a…

Help children keep their negative self-talk in check by practicing daily affirmations. This notebook contains 132 positive affirmations for kids…

This program is narrated by acclaimed reader Bahni Turpin, whose past work includes The Hate U Give and The Underground…