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An ancient, alien technology that will change what it means to be human, a conspiracy begun before the first pyramid was built, and a world threatened by an unimaginable horror.

Deep in the Indian Ocean, Dr. Selene Khan enters an underwater dome thousands of years old, one that is fully operational. She barely escapes to the surface, only to discover that her research vessel has vanished. Can she make it to shore 100 miles away?

On the other side of the world, Agent Jack Elliot uncovers an impossible 900 grams of antimatter. The trail leads him to Egypt, betrayal, and a sinister brainwashing facility. There, in a desperate move, he rescues Dr. Selene Khan, fleeing with her into the desert.

Together, Selene and Jack race to unravel a global conspiracy and learn the truth about an ancient, alien artifact and how civilization really began. Two people must summon the courage and extraordinary ability to stop the world’s oldest plan from plunging humanity onto a twisted, evolutionary path.

Artifact is a lightning-paced adventure, utterly unpredictable right up to its stunning conclusion.

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3 thoughts on “Artifact

  1. A book that is very hard to put down for very long. I lost a lot of sleep time reading this book, I just couldn’t put the book down and go to bed on time… I enjoyed the storyline, the characters even the Dog! I was hoping that this team didn’t save the world and that would be the end of them, I’m happy to hear that there may be others to come?

  2. Huge potential. I admit it was an interesting read. A lot of potential to explore further. I mean continue the story back in time or forward. I am not as nitpicky as others to grammar or misspelled words. I look at the big picture. The plot is good, the characters are deployed timely and efficiently. There was is enough imagination to get your own going. Give it a try, you will not be bored.

  3. Good, fun read but with stereotype protagonists I enjoyed this sci-fi, techno-thriller. Good story, entertaining, and with an ending that was both satisfying and leaving me hopeful there will be a sequel. My only gripe is that these techno-thrillers almost always have the same two main characters. The guy is usually an ex-seal/ranger, over the top competent, a killing machine that is also incorruptible, has integrity and never swerves from the path of good. The girl is the intelligent scientist who is also young, beautiful and sexy, she’s…

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