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The future of warfare has a name: ATLAS.

Three times the height of an ordinary man and ten times wider, the ATLAS mech represents the peak of combat engineering. Rade Galaal will become a one-man army…if he can survive the training.

The MOTHs: elite warriors, products of the most arduous military training known to man. Only the MOTHs can master the devastating, atomic-powered battle suits dubbed ATLAS, massive weapons-laden mechs that constitute an unstoppable ground force when piloted by the consummate soldiers of the MOTH teams. Can Rade make the grade, ascending from raw recruit to ATLAS war machine?

Careful what you wish for: when Special Warfare Command sets a mission beyond the limits of explored space, all of the conditioning, sacrifice, and hard-won skill―and the awesome might of the ATLAS technology―may not be enough to confront the unforeseen horrors found there. Rade’s dream of military glory might just turn out to be the ultimate nightmare.

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3 thoughts on “ATLAS

  1. Potential A fairly solid effort overall, although lacking in detail in parts. The story starts with a typical military trope ‘coming of age’ that takes up a large section of the book, including the standard ‘impossible to last’ romantic interest. This takes a large portion of the book, which then skips through fairly quickly to a battle with human and alien entities… where the book ends not long after. 

  2. Hit me in the gut…and I loved it I haven’t read a ton of militry sci-fi…a few David Weber books and John Scalzi’s Old Man’s War saga namely, but when I saw Isaac Hooke’s ATLAS for sale, I snapped it up and then I couldn’t put it down. 

  3. Naval special ops Interesting read, good enough to want to finish in one session. Interesting variety of setting, military sci-fi training, then deployments. It also has a varied and interesting tech. In general it’s similar to Starship Troopers of Old Man’s War, but distinctive enough that it should be viewed on it’s individual style and content. It has a good contrast of a dystopian and a pristine future. A straight military sci-fi novel and at a good length.A fun read for sci-fi fans.

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