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Once Upon a Moonlit Night (Maiden Lane Series, Book 12)

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An all-new novella in the New York Times bestselling Maiden Lane series by Elizabeth Hoyt.

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3 thoughts on “Once Upon a Moonlit Night (Maiden Lane Series, Book 12)

  1. he’s funny and suave Review 

  2. Another good read from Maiden Lane.. The main thing I love about novellas is that there’s really no time or space in the book for an over-abundance of angst. I hate angst when it’s page after page, like authors write in 300 and 400 page books, and nothing else; no mystery, no murder, no suspense, no nothing except angst, angst and more angst, until you want to scream. I absolutely loved this novella, every single word. I loved how absolutely filthy and gross and stinky Hippolyta was. How Matthew mistook her for a maid,…

  3. I am once again astounded at how the Maiden Lane series never gets stale! Back from India, on his way to London, Matthew Mortimer sees a dishevelled woman running uphill, with fox hounds on her heels. Hippolyta is avoiding an unwanted marriage to the horrid Duke of Montgomery, who had her kidnapped from her own room. Worse is, she has no idea why the Duke is bent on having her: he doesn’t love her nor does he need her money. Hippolyta sees a carriage go by, and when she asks for help, Matthew laughs at her! He actually laughs at her! She is covered in mud,…

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