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Beginnings: Adventures on Terra, Book 1

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Armon Ellington is 19 year old kid that always felt out of place. He’s an orphan, a gamer, and a role playing game geek. When he dies after a 72 hour gaming marathon, instead of going to an afterlife he’s transported to a new world governed by rules that are eerily similar to the RPG games he loves. On this new world, Terra, he can be anything he wants, a warrior, mage, or even a crafter. Only, Armon wants more than that, he also wants friends and family.

Join Armon on his journey through this amazing new world where he’ll go on adventures, explore dungeons, slay monsters and hopefully find the friends and family he never had on Earth.

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3 thoughts on “Beginnings: Adventures on Terra, Book 1

  1. “19” year old has a easy time in a “gamer overlay” world Biggest pet peeve: The main character acts like a 10 year old and the people of the world treat him like a 10 year old. There is not a lot of world building, and remains a basic plot in a stereotypical world.

  2. Meh…. Well…..that was a tad boring. What can I say? The story has potential. I specially like the wise cracking companion in the form of a pretty fairy. But if you are thinking of buying this book, please know that there will be no significant growth (neither in strength nor development) for the main characters. All the characters grow though, don’t get me wrong, just in a very slow slow slow slow slow manner. The story line is predictable and boring 70% of the time. But hey…to each their own…

  3. Decent read The story starts with Armon being dropped in a new world after apparently having died, getting a restart as a level 1 nobody in a generic fantasy world. From there he learns to survive, first with just the guidance of a fairy and later with the help of friendly strangers. The book ends when he has found his place and the stage is set for the bigger plot. 

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