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Black Virus (Black Rust)

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Virus. Chaos. Survival. Alienated in a world where he doesn’t fit in, Christian Black survives because he’s different. Then the virus came, and made the world turn different, too. Now people are dying by the million. Food supplies are short. Riots are blazing through the streets, and Christian’s only goal is to keep his family alive. But safety lies far from the city, and just getting out will be tougher than anyone knows.

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3 thoughts on “Black Virus (Black Rust)

  1. Short and Powerful Christian Black is 16 years-old and doesn’t take crap from anyone – no matter how big or strong. Then the virus hits and people all around him are dying. Luckily, he was kicked out of school before everyone there contacted the virus, including his brothers. He is soon taken away from his family by a bounty hunter and finds himself rescued in the midst of a riot. People with the disease are intent on killing and destroying whatever they come upon. He joins a group of survivors and plans to…

  2. A new take on the zombie trope 16 year old Christian has been told he’s different, not normal. Along with his older brother Levi, Christian has been trying to care for his parents whose mentalities are slowly degrading. Food shortages, riots, degenerates (as they’re called), and a bounty hunter are just some of the things that have become “normal” to Christian. Who really knows what normal means anyway, right? In his fight for survival he gains a new friend and loses loved ones. I don’t know about the other…

  3. Excellent (Night and Day different from Black Rust!!!) If you read my harsh review of Black Rust, then you know that I have no qualms about pointing out flaws in an author’s writing. I didn’t like Black Rust. I didn’t like the story, and I certainly did not like the main character. Black Virus, however, is several years before Black Rust. It covers a time when Christian Black as an individual and society as a whole still had some sense of humanity. This story humanizes Christian Black in a way that Black Rust dehumanizes him. In Black Rust,…

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