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Blood Feud: The Clintons vs. the Obamas

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In this highly anticipated follow-up to his blockbuster New York Times bestseller The Amateur, former New York Times Magazine editor-in-chief Edward Klein delves into the rocky relationship between the Obamas and the Clintons. An old-school reporter with incredible insider contacts, Klein reveals just how deep the rivalry between the Obamas and the Clintons runs, with details on closed-door meetings buttressed by hundreds of interviews. Blood Feud is a stunning exposé of the animosity, jealousy, and competition between America’s two most powerful political couples.

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2 thoughts on “Blood Feud: The Clintons vs. the Obamas

  1. “The Chicago Way…” Born and raised many years ago in a Chicago, blue-collar Democratic household, I’m well acquainted with Chicago politics. (Which is why I retired in Florida.) What we are now experiencing AS A NATION is Chicago politics on steroids. “Blood Feud” is a powerhouse of a book that, like a bad automobile accident, you don’t necessarily enjoy –but you can’t ignore or look away from either. Think of it as the anti-thesis of the rainbows and unicorns presented in…

  2. The Truth Knows No Author Nor Any Allegiance I read the Mr. Klein’s book, The Amateur, and that book reads like a tome on everything that has occurred during the Obama Administration. I would add that if one read Saul Alinsky’s book, Rules for Radicals, that together the most casual observer could virtually glance at the books, then at the headlines, and get a foreboding chill straight to the bone. This is another classic by Mr. Klein and should be in everyones library. And for what it is worth I am a combat veteran, and my political…

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