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Divine Inspiration: Through The Eyes Of An Optimist

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Divine Inspiration: Through The Eyes Of An Optimist is a book of notes filled with spiritual inspiration that leads to poetry, revealing my inner spiritual guidance to enlightened spirituality, female encounters, largely projected male and female behaviors, male and female harmony, and political education. In Divine Inspiration: Through The Eyes Of An optimist, I present my inner Father to Son relationship, giving insight on my deepest emotions and everyday map quest. In this book, I attempt to display words of encouragement, primarily designed for those who struggle finding their identities. Much focus and emphasis are placed on the development of the Black consciousness and our thriving journey to transcend our circumstances through higher learning, truth and discovery. Likewise, through my collective personal writings, I wish to bring into the light my inner most darkest secrets; opening up the doors to my inner being and my relentless journey toward knowledge of self.

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