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Carrots: Shelby Nichols Adventures, Book 1

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Shelby Nichols is an average woman who is married to the only guy she ever fell for. Her life is organized and predictable, revolving around her husband and two children. All that changes the day she stops at the grocery store for some carrots. As the cashier rings up her purchases, a gunman is busy robbing the bank inside the store. When a customer grabs the robber’s mask, he is shot and everyone runs for cover. Everyone except Shelby, who finds herself face to face with the killer.

The next thing she knows, she’s lying on the floor with a bullet wound to her head. Luckily, the bullet only grazes her scalp, and she doesn’t suspect any lasting affects until later, when she suddenly ‘hears’ what people are thinking. With this uncanny ability, her life takes on a whole new dimension. Her kids think she’s bossy and too old to understand them, but that’s nothing compared to her husband. He says he loves her, but what is it about the redhead at work that he doesn’t want her to know?

As if that isn’t enough, the gunman knows she can identify him, and he’s out to silence her forever. In her fight to stay alive, she is saved from certain death by a handsome hit-man with ties to organized crime. This pulls Shelby even deeper into danger, where knowing someone’s thoughts can not only hurt her feelings, but get her killed.

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2 thoughts on “Carrots: Shelby Nichols Adventures, Book 1

  1. Housewife meets mindreading meets mob – great combo!!! This was such a fun book to read!!! Enter Shelby Nichols, your average housewife who goes to the store so she can get some carrots to make some chicken soup for her family for dinner, and with a bang, literally, everything changes. After getting shot in the head, she can read minds. As a scifi fan, I definitely loved the mind-reading bit. I’ve often wondered if I could have a special ability, what would it be??? After reading this book and seeing all the trouble Shelby’s mind-reading gets…

  2. Great Fun!1 The new novel Carrots is such a delight to read and should be added to your summer reading list today! From the moment you open the cover and meet Shelby Nichols, you will love being in her world and experiencing things right by her side. Author Colleen Helme has provided us with a quirky, endearing, and at times delightfully frustrating character who finds herself surviving a supermarket shooting, and can then hear what people are thinking when she wakes up. You will love following Shelby get…

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