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Cold Fear (Tom Reed and Walt Sydowski)

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In the remote, rugged corner of Montana’s Glacier National Park known as the Devil’s Grasp, little Paige Baker of San Francisco disappears with her dog, Kobee, while on a camping trip with her family; or so her mother and father have told authorities. A multiagency task force launches a massive search as Paige fights to survive in the wilderness. Time hammers against her, and soon the nation is gripped by the life-and-death drama. Secretly, behind the scenes, the FBI grows suspicious of Paige’s parents. Their recent history and disturbing evidence links them to a horrible secret from the past.

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3 thoughts on “Cold Fear (Tom Reed and Walt Sydowski)

  1. Good Plot, But… This novel has an interesting plot. It is about a San Francisco family who goes camping in the far northern part of Glacier National Park in Montana far from civilization. It is an area that is difficult to hike in. Their daughter who is 10 years old has no camping experience and doesn’t want to be there. Her mother wanted to go there, as she lived there in the early years of her life and is harboring a secret from those days that her therapist says she should confront. The girl gets lost…

  2. From the author of “If Angels Fall,” another suspense hit… I had the pleasure of meeting Rick Mofina when he autographed a copy of “If Angels Fall” for me, a book I found both gripping and suspenseful. When I heard of another Mofina book on its way, I waited with impatience, and snapped it up as soon as I could. 

  3. It was OK I can tell that the author is talented, however, I found the book was way too long with too many details and too many characters, which I thought detracted from the story. About 30% into the book I found myself getting bored and wished the story would move along faster.There were also lots of spelling and grammatical errors.

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