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The liberal media machine did everything they could to keep this book out of your hands. Now, finally, Dangerous, the most controversial book of the decade, is tearing down safe spaces everywhere.

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3 thoughts on “Dangerous

  1. Required Summer Reading I’m not a conservative nor a liberal, but I’m buying another five more copies just out of principle. You don’t have to like who he is, you might not like the way he looks or speaks or expresses his thoughts, but what he stands for is EVERYTHING that we are slowly losing as the media outlets take control of manipulating everything we see and hear. To top it off, it’s a very good read!

  2. Dangerous is hysterically funny and well written Dangerous is hysterically funny and well written. I pre-ordered the book out of curiosity, there was so much controversy when Simon and Schuster cancelled the book deal. For god’s sake, Simon and Schuster published Snooki Polizzi’s (reality tv show Jersey Shore star) book, “A Shore Thing”, yet bowed to uproar from one side of the political spectrum over Dangerous? I figured I owed Milo’s book a read in the name of free speech, and I am glad I did. Full of biting humor and just the…

  3. Censorship is more dangerous than Dangerous First off, I am a librarian who never cared about Milo until I began seeing blurbs about Dangerous in Publisher’s Weekly (bimonthly book review magazine for libraries/booksellers). They all raised the issue of the morality of purchasing Dangerous. Is it professionally responsible? Is it censorship not to? (Yes.) As an information professional I have always been very interested in intellectual freedom issues and am a card carrying member of the Freedom to Read Foundation so as soon as my…

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