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Darkness Under the Sun

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There once was a killer who knew the night, its secrets and rhythms. How to hide within its shadows. When to hunt. He roamed from town to town, city to city, choosing his prey for their beauty and innocence. His cruelties were infinite, his humanity long since forfeit. But still . . . he had not yet discovered how to make his special mark among monsters, how to come fully alive as Death. This is the story of how he learned those things, and of what we might do to ensure that he does not visit us.

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2 thoughts on “Darkness Under the Sun

  1. Genuinely Eerie “Darkness Under The Sun” is a novella which can stand alone, but is related to an upcoming Koontz novel, “What The Night Knows.” Included is the first chapter of the novel — and I’ll comment on that as well.I selected this because I like Koontz. Some novels I like more than others, but I’m a fan. I also think he seems like a great guy in real life, and we both have an affinity for dogs, so I’ll always lean toward buying his stuff. The other reason I selected this, about as…

  2. Back to Form? During the 80’s and early 90’s, Dean Koontz was one of my favorite authors. I loved the twists in the original plots, the violence with a purpose, and the characters that just crawled in to your psyche and took up residence. I even named one of my sons after the sheriff in Intensity (Ethan!). Then something changed. He started to write in this self-amusing sing-song prose that he obviously thought was clever and that I found annoying. Annoyed so much so that I stopped reading him PERIOD. I…

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