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Hypnosis to Help You Sleep Deeply (Hypnotic Empowerment Series for Self-Awakening)

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The bear on the cover of this audio product represents what this hypnotic audio product can do for you. [Bear: Deep sleep (hibernation) comes naturally to bears. Bears give birth during their deep sleep period. Deep sleep enables productivity as well as creativity.] This Audio product contains 2 programs. Program 1: Hypnosis to Help You Sleep Deeply. Verbal step-by-step instructions gently guide the listener into a hypnotic trance state. Positive suggestions are then given to the subconscious mind to help induce a deep, natural and restful sleep. The listener will awaken fully rested and refreshed, at their desired time, ready to begin their day. Program 2: Relax and Sleep Deeply. Step by step instructions guide the listener into a deeply relaxed trance state. Deep relaxation is extremely beneficial to mind, body and spirit. Program 2 enhances the effects of program 1. Program 1 and program 2 may be used independently of each other. An enclosed booklet describes what hypnosis is and how best to use this product to achieve the greatest results. Effects will vary from person to person. Hypnotherapy is considered complimentary medicine and is not intended to be used in place of medical or psychiatric care.

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2 thoughts on “Hypnosis to Help You Sleep Deeply (Hypnotic Empowerment Series for Self-Awakening)

  1. Results in All Areas I stumbled across this gem in my maddening search to sleep more deeply and drown out my noisy neighbors. I have been using these CDs for 2 weeks and I can already see the results. I am sleeping more deeply and can’t wait to see how much more I will progress. I’m not at that point of “perfection” or completely getting all of its benefits but that’s only because this is just the end of 2 weeks. I am slowly working my way up to a full 8 hrs. Ms. Decker’s suggestions are great for getting a racing…

  2. A note of caution . . . I was looking for a hypnosis CD to help ease my sleepless nights, and I chose this one based solely on its high ratings on Amazon. In general, I feel like I’m pretty susceptible to hypnosis. If someone talks to me in soothing tones about floating blue orbs that emanate magical auras of sedation, I’m out like a light.That said, I couldn’t take more than five minutes of this woman without feeling agitated and unpleasantly alert. Why? I couldn’t even focus on what she was actually…

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