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Dead Line

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When veteran NFL quarterback Noah Larson finally guides his team to the Super Bowl, his dreams – and life – are dashed when his six-year-old son is kidnapped for a unique ransom: Lose the game or his son dies. Seattle sportswriter Cal Murphy and photographer Kelly Mendoza get pulled into an FBI sting to help rescue Noah’s son in Mexico. But when everything falls apart, Cal and Kelly are left to save themselves, save Noah’s son, and save the Super Bowl.

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3 thoughts on “Dead Line

  1. Cross the Line Cross the Line was a good read. Excellent story teller. Looking forward to another in the series. Cal & Kelly make a good pair.

  2. It’s all about taking risks Patterson’s Cross the Line took me way back to my school years when the fiction reading craze was wild and fresh inside me, and characters like Cal Murphy made a strong and lasting impression, and not to mention a certain fan induction, along the way. This book has the perfect amount of everything a good thriller should have: 

  3. Cross the Line Once again I feel very blessed to have read Cross the Line by Jack Patterson. No, it wasn’t a religious book by any means, but it dealt with issues of right and wrong and when to get involved in someone else’s story and when to walk away. Cal Murphy, a sportswriter, accidentally unearths information that Noah Larson’s son has been kidnapped in order to force Noah to throw the Seahawk vs Dolphin Super Bowl Game. When approached to confirm rumors about a fix being in, he admits what he has…

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