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Death World (Undying Mercenaries)

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Unknown aliens attack Earth. Their planet is uncharted, mysteriously having avoided detection for centuries. It’s a world packed with the most vicious aliens humanity has yet to encounter. James McGill has discovered: Death World.

In the fifth book of the Undying Mercenaries series, the war comes home, and aliens strike a devastating blow. Bent on revenge, Legion Varus chases the raiders to the stars and discovers a growing alien menace. A cancerous species has invaded our region of the galaxy and must be dealt with. McGill learns why the Cephalopod Kingdom has yet to attack Earth and what’s happening behind the scenes in the Core Worlds. Throughout, he upholds his unique sense of right, wrong, and honor. Death World is a military science fiction novel by bestselling author B. V. Larson.

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3 thoughts on “Death World (Undying Mercenaries)

  1. Keep it coming! James just keeps saving humanity’s butt over and over. Friends and foes alike continue to underestimate his abilities. His physical success with women is admirable, but he can’t seem to handle the emotional side very well. His unconventional tactics and thinking frequently save the day and keep him from getting permed. A slow crawl up the ladder of command has been painful but we’ll deserved. I believe a visit to Forgotten World, filled with abandoned but viable advanced Galactic tech,…

  2. Veteran McGill delivers Just like McGill who is a veteran, this series feels like it too has attained veteran status. A solid sequel. Better than the last, about average for the series (which is very good). Most importantly, many of what I consider to be the rough edges in past books were worked out in this book. By the points: 

  3. Another fantastic B.V. Larson book First off, I have never been disappointed by anything that this author has written. Some of the summaries of the books seem a little odd to me, but when I read the book, I find that the fast paced writing style and pure imagination he brings to his writing brings everything to life. I HIGHLY recommend any of his books to all Science Fiction and/or fast paced action book fans. 

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