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Crowned: Becoming the Woman of my Dreams: The Missing Things Were Goddess Wings: Poems, Prayers, and Love Letters

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Crowned: Becoming the Woman of my Dreams, is a journey of awakening to God as a Woman, and living her life within you. A bittersweet, beseeching and searing collection of truth-telling poetry, prayers, prose and love letters channeled from the Divine Feminine, Mother Goddess, in all her forms, to you. )O( It is time to enter the Womb and Tomb of You. Have you ever wondered who you are as a woman, aside from your worldly roles? Want to wake up to being your own Powerful Muse? Is it time to love yourself soft in all your hard places, and hard in all your soft places? Are you ready to reframe the losses to release your inner girl child? Is it time to heal the ancient love ghosts that haunt you? Do you want to tell the whole truth of your deserved sensuality and desires as a woman? Do you wish to feel Nature’s wisdom and healing rush like a river through you? Is it time for explosion of creative expression of you as a writer/artist? Do you ache to serve the world in a way that is your own love giving back? Can you conjure the idea of engaging in genuine female sisterhoods that support the dream of you? Can you now crown yourself as Queen of your Kingdom and rule your world from a place of inner knowing? Do you ache to honor your body as the temple it is? Isn’t it time to cease waiting for the man or job of your dreams, and become the woman of your dreams? Do you know you must now sister, be-friend, soul mate and mother yourself to survive? Have you waited long enough to have a real conversation with yourself and the Sacred Feminine force that brought you into existence. )o( Your coronation has arrived! You can adorn yourself with the blooms of the wild and wise, forgotten Goddesses. Come. Take a fearless poetic journey to remembering who you are as a Woman Born of the Sky, Seas, and Earth. You are that Woman with the fire of her intuitive gifts burning bright in her eyes. Call her in and claim her now~ ________________________________________ POEM EXCERPT: Marrying Light~~ The wild beast of me pranced through your ever-fog. It is a black,beautiful release, to be free of your colorless silence. I take the dark horse of me by the reins now. I am her Black- bride, her Night- rider, and I shall gallop her home to marry light. I choose an innocent mind, concocted from a pure heart. I’ve reached the castle. The walls that stand as relics to my past before me. Indestructible, Undeniable, Weathered stone upon cracked foundations. Yet it is only one long wall of pain vying for my focus so that it may earn its title of “ancient history”. Maps of hidden corners, secret doorways to discover, walls yet to build, rain down upon my crown. I stride by that towering wall with grace and release, It has spoken its piece, and I’ve spoken mine. I want peace. I choose peace. I will not live contained by it any longer. It may never crumble, But neither will I. The inner chamber all Candlelit Christens my heart new again, I am named Illuminata. I’ve burned every candle down, praying to the moonlight, I’m ready to heed the call. Resiliency has won. Angels in my backyard have heralded. Smoke rings stink. I want only the smoke that signals: I live like there is an ever fire burning inside me. My soul desires her life theme back. I’m all in. Send the subtle signs. Send the neon signs. Hang the welcome sign. I was cracked open by the spiral of God-Light years ago, Pretending is no longer optional. Communion is everything. I live the deep life. I wake and work the magic of the day dawned. I stare at the starblazen sky with wonder. If She holds all that in place. There must be a plan for the universe that lives and loves inside me. Ill always hold onto the home of that. Darkness never dims me long, For I am a Star-Rider, Born of, born again of, and married to Light. _____________________________________ .

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1 thought on “Crowned: Becoming the Woman of my Dreams: The Missing Things Were Goddess Wings: Poems, Prayers, and Love Letters

  1. Must have! Every woman needs to have this book as part of her soul collection. It is a beautiful account of the journey we are on as women told through the eyes and story of this amazing author and artist. There is something for all women in this book. The poetry is intricately woven together and the words will capture your heart. It inspires me to become the woman of my dreams as well. This book will remind you to fall in love with yourself every day. What better a gift than that?!

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