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I Am a Warrior Goddess

She isn’t a princess—she’s a warrior goddess!
You don’t have to be a grown-up to be a hero, and I Am a Warrior Goddess shows how in the empowering tale of a little girl with big aspirations. Through the clever play between illustration and text, young readers learn how each day is full of opportunities to make a positive impact with ordinary actions. As our heroine connects with the earth, takes care of her body, and finds strength in kindness, she discovers her inner warrior goddess and inspires young girls everywhere to do the same.

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A Goddess in Waiting: A Girls Guide To Self Discovery

Growing up for girls can be a tough experience, with many conflicting voices and choices to make. Luckily, this optimistic guide for girls coming of age provides everything a girl should know about to help break through their insecurities and become their own personal Goddess. Sofia manages to meld together the best bits of differing philosophies in order to create a manual of growing up for girls which will one day see them living an authentic life filled with health, love and happiness.

Product Features

  • A Goddess in Waiting A Girls Guide to Self Discovery
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Hello Goddess!: A Woman’s Guide to Radiant Health, Vitality, & Unshakeable Confidence

Hello Goddess is the ultimate self improvement book for the millennial woman who is ready to step into her power, reconnect to her truth, and live the life of her dreams. This book will show you how to eat without ever having to diet, how to free yourself from toxic relationships, and how to cultivate unshakeable confidence. Hello Goddess is your one-stop-shop guidebook to creating the health, wealth, love, joy, and abundance you desire.

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Warrior Goddess Training: Become the Woman You Are Meant to Be

The Path to Your Inner Warrior Goddess

It’s no secret that women today are juggling a lot. We now make up more than half the workforce in the United States and are busier than ever with partners, children, family and friends, often putting the needs of others ahead of our own.

And if we feel overwhelmed by it all or fall short of perfection, many of us have learned to be our own worst critic rather than our own best friend.

In Warrior Goddess Training, bestselling author HeatherAsh Amara provides the antidote to the flawed idea that you are not enough.

Direct, honest, and unapologetic, Amara will show you how to release the layers of expectations to finally see yourself for the authentic, perceptive, perfect woman you really are.

If you don’t love and honor yourself with every fiber of your being, if you struggle with owning your power and passion, if you could use more joyful play and simple presence in your life, then it is time for an inner revolution.

It is time to claim your Warrior Goddess energy.

Drawing on the wisdom from Buddhism, Toltec wisdom, and ancient Earth-based goddess spirituality, the Warrior Goddess path includes personal stories, rituals, and exercises that will encourage and inspire you to become the true warrior goddess you are meant to be.

Product Features

  • Warrior Goddess Training
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Yoga Poppy Goddess Notebook (Femme 150 Lined) (Volume 31)

There is nothing like the feel of pen/pencil on paper for your thoughts, dreams, experiences, and life events recorded in the moment. Use this blank book for a diary, journal, field notes, travel logs, etc. Yes, it is designed for any of these needs and more.

150+ pgs. with 60% gray lines for writing guides. Also includes:

blank field title page to fill in blank table of contents blank headers to fill in by the page fully page numbered main matter HIGH GLOSS FINISH for extra protection on the go

See other cover design series available from “N.D. Author Services” [NDAS] in its 600, 365 and 150 page Mega-Journals, Journals, Notebooks, Grid-Notebooks, Blank Books, Meeting Notebooks, Sketchbooks, etc.

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Yoga Song Goddess Notebook (Femme 150 Lined) (Volume 41)

There is nothing like the feel of pen/pencil on paper for your thoughts, dreams, experiences, and life events recorded in the moment. Use this blank book for a diary, journal, field notes, travel logs, etc. Yes, it is designed for any of these needs and more.

150+ pgs. with 60% gray lines for writing guides. Also includes:

blank field title page to fill in blank table of contents blank headers to fill in by the page fully page numbered main matter HIGH GLOSS FINISH for extra protection on the go

See other cover design series available from “N.D. Author Services” [NDAS] in its 600, 365 and 150 page Mega-Journals, Journals, Notebooks, Grid-Notebooks, Blank Books, Meeting Notebooks, Sketchbooks, etc.

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Get Your Goddess On!: Own Your Power. Love Your Life!

Get Your Goddess On is a road map that guides you through an empowering journey to learn to love yourself again. The stories and examples are inspiring, heartwarming, and filled with raw honesty to help you discover their inner Goddess power. As an added bonus, the self-guided exercises at the end of each chapter give you the opportunity for introspective healing and growth. No matter what challenges or struggles you have faced, you’ll benefit from these effective suggestions and strategies in this refreshing, authentic book. What you will learn on your Goddess journey: Life-changing self-forgiveness Know that you are enough Ways to free yourself from your past Profound healing methods How to live like you really matter

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The Warrior Goddess Training Program: Becoming the Woman You Are Meant to Be (Sounds True Audio Learning Course)

I am whole. I am powerful. I am divine. When you say these words, do you feel the weight of self-judgment and doubt? Or do you feel their truth ringing in your bones?
“A Warrior Goddess,” teaches HeatherAsh Amara, “is one who dares to face her fears and doubts, claims the ancestral power that pulses through all women, and lives it with unstoppable purpose, energy, and compassion.”
With The Warrior Goddess Training Program, HeatherAsh Amara guides us through her book’s ten transformative lessons, enriched here with many new tools developed in her popular workshops.
This practice-intensive experience merges the Toltec values of fearless self-reflection and determination, Buddhist insights for finding clarity and presence, and Earth-based goddess principles of pleasure, creative play, and unconditional love. Each session engages us with teachings, questions for self-reflection, meditations and healing practices, ritual-building, and more.
The purpose? To release the “never good enough” beliefs that hold us back and to honor ourselves with every fiber of our being.

Commit to youAlign with lifePurify your vesselGround your being and free your pastEnergize your sexuality and creativityClaim your strength and ignite your willOpen your heartSpeak your truthEmbody your wisdomChoose your path 

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The Goddess Potential: A Guide To Developing A Relationship With Your Inner Self

Every woman has the potential inside to shine bright and to achieve greatness. However, sometimes fear, painful pasts, and toxic environments hold her back. There is no magic secret to success, love, and happiness, but there are steps we can all take to help ourselves stay balanced and sane through all of life’s ups and downs. What is the answer to keeping it all balanced? It is the bond with the inner self. And to get that, we must all unleash our own Goddess Potential. With a heartfelt foreword from Estelle Swaray, the Goddess Potential uses eight principles with steps that will help you explore and embrace your inner self. Each principle begins with an affirmation read in the mirror. Why mirror affirmations? Because, retraining the brain combined with nurturing the spirit is the key to success. When you affirm the life you want by staring directly into your own eyes, it’s almost like pressing the reset button in your brain. Plus, when information enters the brain through vision and hearing at the same time, it has a greater impact on memory and on storing the information. Self-love and self-mastery is a lifelong journey and The Goddess Potential hopes to help you start that journey. Filled with inspirational steps, personal stories of success and failure, and a unique perspective on basic life principles, it is the perfect guide for women who are truly trying to find themselves. No matter where life has taken you, The Goddess Potential is a reminder that every day is an opportunity for a fresh start. When you unleash your Goddess Potential, you will: • Boost your self-esteem • Worry less about what people think • Have the confidence to reach for your dreams • Have the courage to follow your instincts when it comes to love • Be able to relax even in the presence of uncertainty • Fall in love with your true self • Support and not tear down other women Visit for Empowerment & Sisterhood