Set a thousand years (give or take) before the events of Disenchanted, Distopia tells the story of Wyngalf the Bold, the legendary hero renowned for ridding the land of Dis of the scourge of dragons. The story begins as Wyngalf, a young missionary for an obscure religious sect, arrives in the port city of Skuldred. Desperate to prove his worth to his superiors, Wyngalf finds himself drafted into leading a missionary voyage across the sea to the semilegendary land of Dis. Accompanied by a beautiful stowaway named Evena and an oddball goblin who has been shunned by his clan, Wyngalf is continually thwarted in his attempts to proselytize by various practical concerns – chief among these being the fact that the land of Dis is being terrorized by a fearsome dragon. Wyngalf realizes that in order to prove his faith and get Evena home, he must summon the courage and resourcefulness to defeat the dragon. But what if his faith isn’t enough?
My favorite Dis This is the one that really made me giggle. It’s everything you’d see in a cable news show set in a high fantasy world. Political factions, religion, and corporate control all rolled into a comedy. Fun.
Ocean voyages, sea monsters and dragons, political intrigue and commentary, but most of all, delightful fun! Once again, Rob Kroese delivers a fun, at times laugh-out-loud tale of daring-do in his mythical land of Dis. Wyngalf, Evena, and Tobalt are a delightful trio, with the latter being my favorite character in the book. If you like the comedy of Douglas Adams’ Hitchhiker’s Guide series, or Piers Anthony’s Xanth novels, you’ll love Distopia!
Fun Adventure The second book in the Dis series, Distopia is a sort of prequel to Disenchanted, although the events of each books are separated by a thousand years and only very distantly related, so reading Disenchanted is not a requirement to reading Distopia. But please, do not let that stop you from reading Disenchanted as it is an excellent book as well.Â